Felt some changes where needed for this list:
- Drop the lonely YT-2400: Having an odd number of squadrons gives no benefit towards the deployment advantage, but having still such a low number of deployments (4) in total makes no difference. This list still gets outdeployed. Also forgetting about it 4 rounds out of 6 is also a strong indicator it don't belong in the list.
The points from the YT-2400 goes to upgrades on the MC80 & MC75.
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Making BFF's since wave 7 |
- Mon Calamri Exodus fleet: It's a thing and I want to try it. Having a token suddenly be equal an engineering dial is very nice, and one round with a dial + token be worth two dials is nothing to sneeze at. 4 shields regained or 2 hull damage removed and a shield regained sounds very nice. For these titles that require a ship with a similar title to be in a certain range probably wants more than three like the Hammerhead titles. But with though ships like the large MC's two should suffice.
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"Wait what? C&K lets you choose your dice?" |
- Caitken & Shollan: These boys work on long range when the broadsides is Ackbar'd on the MC75. Ain't bad. And when the ranges are within medium range more options open up with Leading Shots for rerolls should the dice's prove to still be terrible. The options for this slot on the MC75 is the Boarding Troopers or the Boarding Engineers. Boarding troopers might be a good idea in combination with Bail.
This list has some hard obstacles to overcome:
- Very low number of deployments: with only 4 total deployments its super easy to get outdeployed, so a plan where eveything goes is of great importance. The objectives are chosen to help on this point but if being chosen as the first player things might become difficult and Bail looses function...
- Even lower number of activations: Two. just two. This makes planning and deployment all the more important, so those dials better be solid and the flight path well calculated. The ships are on their own fearsome, but BT-Avenger will still ruin the day for at least one of them. And against fleets with Strategic Adviser the uphill activation game gets even more of a chore.
- Bail: Bail is not Pryce. To get the most out of Pryce, alot of practice is needed for the Imperial 2-ship list. I'd like to think that Bail requires even more practice than Pryce since he is easier to wait out, and he is definitley more punishing when the wrong turn is chosen for him to do his thing or if a clever opponent simply set up a killzone for him. Pryce usually gets her turn on turn 2 when early engagement starts. Bail don't get that luxury. Maybe with a speed 3 and good deployment a turn 2 activation is possible but it will certainly not be a good one. Turn 3 and 4 are the best options. Also if chosen as first player, he does provide tokens but 7 points that is somewhat lackluster.
- Enemy squadrons: EWS makes the MC80 somewhat safe from squadrons but the MC75 is more sensitive. Tycho and Shara might hold out one or 2 rounds but more than that is probably not to ask for.
Future changes:
I want to sink my teeth into this list and see if Rebs 2 big fishes is as viable as a Imperial 2 ship shenanigans (probably not!), and it will certainly be a learning experience with deployment since that is the only thing where a difference can be made.
But if wear comes to tear, these changes might prove succesfull:
- Leave the 2-ship plan: It don't work, and it won't work in the future either (unless something comes for the rebels that is similar to Pryce but I doubt it).
- Dropping all but one VCX-100 and some upgrades in favor of 2 GR-75 transports with Comms Net on and Ashoka and Leia sounds like a plan to open up more options for a list that lacks them.
- Also switch Major Derlin from the MC80 to a Strategic Adviser probably upps the survivability of both ships with providing activation advantage.
- Changing some of the objective is probably a good idea with only one VCX-100 for token farming. Advance Gunnery is a given in this list but Fire Lanes gets competition.
Still some playtesting needs to be made. Sadly time conspires against this...
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