Rebellion in the Rim - Campaign

 An insurrection is brewing among the Rim-worlds. The Galactic Empire sends their best graduates from the Imperial Academy to try and quell the rebellion in its infant stage. Years of training is comming to an end and the Rim will test the skills, brawn and bravery of these new names.

Meanwhile rebel dissidents, refugees, free thinkers and terrorist groups tired of living under the oppression of the Galactic Empire, form loose coalitions, organizing an uprising against the Empire.
A few selected Admirals manage to gather enough support to manage complete fleets that can rival the Empires.

Imperial Fleets

Admiral ??? - Ambush Gunner II

[F] Victory Star Destroyer II
*Leading Shots
*Disposable Capacitator

Victory Star Destroyer II
*Disposable Capacitator

*Comms Net


Third Expeditinary Fleet
Admiral ??? - Master Coordinator II

Raider I

[F]Quasar Fire II

*Comms net

*Comms net

Ciena Ree
Valen Rudor


Rebel Fleets

Haegens Freebooters
Admiral Haegen - Master Coordinator I
Condition: Low Fuel

[F]Pelta Assault Frigate
*Enginge techs
*Phoenix Home

Assault Frigate MKII B

GR-75 Transport
*Bomber Command Centre
*Bright Hope



First Fleet of Orust
Admiral Heiman - Ambush Gunner II



Nebulon-B Support Refit

MC30c Torpedo Frigate




R1 A1

Imperial Assault - Geonosis: Hyperspace Migration / Defender Double VSD/ Rebel Victory
Parts of the Rebel fleets map out the hyperlanes with the help of Purgills roaming the vast space. The Empire try to interfere in the rebels plans and engages...

The Victories struggle with reaching their target in time and the Rebels get away with enough information to gain access to Geonosis. During the battle the Imperial Gozanti goes down after the Pelta managed to get behind the both Behemots.

Rebel Assault - Rodia: Superior Positions / Defender Quasar TIE Bomber / Imperial Victory
The new Rebel Commander seeks support among the citizens of Rodia in the middle of a small uprising planetside, but the Empire had already dispatched a fleet to restore order to the planet.

After an engagement between the opposing factions, the Empire had restored order to the planet and managed to gain the support of the local governor.

R2 A1

Imperial Assault -Lothal: Prototype Recovery / Defender Fleet of Orust / Imperial Victory

Rebel Assault - Montross: Precision Strike / Defender Double VSD / Rebel Victory
Admiral Haegen is hard pressed on resources and fuel is running low for the fleets ships. He desperately seeks aid among the skilled pilots on Montross, but the Empire had sent two Victory Star Destroyers, just about making planetfall. Haegen presses his luck and gambles everything on an assault on the waiting star ships.

After a short and intense battle, the Rebel fleet managed to pull through, by a hairs width. Local resistance cells vitnessed the event and aggreed to send support to the rebellion in terms if squadron wings and pilots.

R3 A1

Imperial Assault - Ryloth: / Defnder Fleet of Orust / Imperial Victory

Rebel Assault - Bespin: Steal Supplies / Defender Third Expeditinary Fleet / Imperial Victory

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